Diverse voices,

Diverse perspectives

2016: The Year It Has Been !!

It’s hard to believe, but 2016 is coming to an end. It’s been a fantastic year, full of inspiring achievements, feel-good news stories and moments of genuine hope for humanity. Sure, we’ve had a couple of controversial stuff ~ Brexit, US Elections, Demonetization,...

Apple doesn’t care about competition, Why Should I?

I was 8 years old when I tried to ride a bicycle for the first time. My brother gave me a little push and I was doing pretty well till I saw another kid zoom past me. I tried to give a chase and went straight ahead to hit a pole. I was so embarrassed that I never got...

Olympics – Game of Respect, Unity & Inclusion.

Since the Rio Olympics began, we have been glued to the television cheering for the athletes. The opening ceremony was spectacular with the message from IOC President Thomas Bach resounding in my ears – “Olympics will send a message of unity, respect and tolerance to...

Power of Saying No

Few years ago, I was tired and fatigued all the time. I had just started a new venture and trying to reinvent my career. I was taking on all kinds of assignments, calls, meetings whether it made sense or not. I noticed that saying \"no\" to certain people and in some...

Happy Book Lover\’s Day

For the past four years, Biz Divas\' Annual Inclusive Leadership Conference - I Inspire speakers have not only shared their inspiring stories and insights from our stage, but they have written these bestsellers too. From Management to memoirs and cookbooks, here’s a...

Trust is the KEY

Last night while I was watching television, my 10 year old son suddenly asked me, “Ma, my friend who shifted to Dhaka last year, would he be ok? I cant understand why are people hurting each other?” I was aghast and didn’t know how to answer it. I realized that...

Start with a \”WHY\”

Hello, The summer holidays have just got over and it was a great time to unwind, travel and simply relax. It was also a valuable time to take a break from our daily routine, & reflect on how we can reinvent, build skills as well as bring our originality or...

Equal Rights include Equal Pay

Last month, during I Inspire – an inclusive leadership conference, I met some senior HR Heads and women leaders. Over lunch, we debated if gender pay gaps existed in India. To my surprise, everyone said that gender pay gaps don’t exist. They argued that in the...

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