When I switched my career from a Banker to a Social Entrepreneur, I felt very alone in this new world. From the time when access to social media was banned in corporate office, I took to it, like fish takes to the water. This was the time I realized that internet is not only a great resource of information but can also be your mentor, philosopher, guide and a true friend. During the last 3 years I have followed, ditched and picked up new online resources which I keep revisiting for my daily dose of inspiration, productivity tips, innovative ideas, business trends and above all simple feel connected to the rest of the world. These websites, which I have listed down, are some of my favorites with personal stories of how I interacted with them. Also friends, colleagues and Biz Divas members have contributed some of them. I hope you find them useful.
- The Way Women Work -is the online How-to-Succeed Guide for women in growth economies. Rania Andersen, Founder of the way women work connected with us in 2011 to help her connect to emerging women leaders in India. She says Why did I, and some girls, have the opportunity to study and apply our education, while so many other girls from my part of the world and other developing countries, did not have the same opportunities? Trying to find the solution for this led to launch of the way women work
- We are the City.in -I met Caroline Graham, Curator & Core team member of WATC in 2013 in one of our events in Mumbai. Her passion to highlight the stories of Indian women was so infectious that I volunteered immediately to help her. Since then WATC India (a subsidiary branch of wearethecity.com) has been providing information to women who wish to progress their careers, help women to develop themselves both personally & professionally.
- Womenatwork.co.in -I picked this book Lady, you are not a man at the Mumbai airport. I finished reading the book in the 2.5 hours flight from Mumbai to Delhi and did not even realize when the flight landed. Apurva Purohit, CEO of Radio city & Author had shared her journey in a very witty and anecdotal format. It is so relevant to Indian professional women that I term it as Lean In book of India. This led me to look her up on internet and much to my delight, I found her blogging at womenatwork.co.in. Womenatwork remains my weekly dose of humour along with some great tips and advice from a woman leader on how to navigate your corporate career along with the traditional values of BIG FAT Indian Family.
- Genwnow – I was bowled over when I met Donna Ordender, Founder of Genwnow.com in Global Abamaadors Program 2012. Excelling in executive leadership positions in the challenging business of sports, Donna Orender is a game changer. Her passion in women leadership is evident in her blog genwnow.com. As Donna says The goal of genwnow is to provide a platform for women of our region to come together to be educated, inspired and connected. Women learn how to impact change for themselves, their communities and the world.
- Fortune Most Powerful womenI was fortunate to be part Fortune Most Powerful women Summit in DC in 2012. Patricia Sellers, senior editor at large of Fortune addressed more than 100 powerful women in the summit. Meeting women leaders like M Urssula Burns, Alyse Nelson, Geraldine Laybourne, Tory Burch & Arianna Huffington is not only inspiring, it is life changing. This converted me to an ardent fan of the website online buy zithromax where I read about global leaders & business trends.
- Womens Web-An online magazine for women, which covers all facets of womens life. Indian women are going through a transitional phase women are moving out of home earlier, living by themselves, focusing on their careers, waiting longer to have children, grappling with the expectations of a traditional society where is the magazine that covers the challenges of todays Indian women? I decided that Womens Web would be THAT magazine, and online is the best way to go says Aparna Singh, Founder & editor of Womens web.
- Women 2.0 -is the worlds largest community-driven media brand designed for the next generation of technology leaders. Women 2.0 createscontent, community and events for aspiring and current innovators in technology. I love this website as it celebrates Women in Tech.
- HBR -One of my all time favourites Harvard Business Review. The only challenge that you can see only 5 articles at a time before it prompts you for a payment. But one can access many blog articles at https://hbrblogs.wordpress.com/ which are equally educative and thought provoking.
- Upworthy.com – This is a recent addition in my list. I love their tag line Things that matter. Pass them on. Whether its a video of a young girl talking about bullying in high school, or an article on why we should celebrate differences, or simple tips on how to be a better human being, they have it all. Upworthy helps me to realize that life is all about being a better human being each and every day. It put things in the right perspectives for us to celebrate our lives everyday.
- Ted.com -I have an app on my smartphone which I access everyday and thats TED. My daily dose of ideas, innovation, and inspiring talks and also connect with global speakers for my own conferences its all rolled into one. A must for all who aspire to be a speaker, facilitator or simply want to be inspired.
- Fastcompany.com -I was introduced to this website by my partners in crime (web trollers & social media junkie;-)) Shilpi Singh & Manish Sinha in 2011. The websites focus on innovation in technology, ethonomics (ethical economics), leadership or design, they are always keeping progressive business leaders in mind. It keeps me updated on future trends of business & push my traditional boundaries
- Lean in -Meeting & listening to Sheryl Sandberg in 2014 has been a great source of inspiration for us at Biz Divas. I love the way this site provides not only education & free online lectures for emerging women leaders, it also provides a community for women to connect with each other
- Mashable has become synonymous with social media. The website is a constant presence in Technoratis top rankings and has become the most dominant social media news outlet on the planet. Tech enthusiasts, digital media nerds, and everyone from social web newbies to seasoned experts read it and respect its position. Its difficult not to. In 5 years time the blog has become nothing less than a powerhouse of information and influence.
- HuffPostwomen -While Huffington Post remains one of the best online news aggregator,the womens section of Huffington Post was launched to really identify the women globally. I get to read the best content from women around the web.
- Biz Divas -Last but not the least, Biz Divas team has been striving to bring the most inspiring stories of women leaders in India. We have grown as community wiith more than 30,000 subscribers and hope to keep inspiring you everyday. 🙂