Diverse voices,

Diverse perspectives



In a world that strives for equality it is fascinating to see how emotions tend to be interpreted differently based on gender? From the classroom to the highest echelons of leadership, women frequently encounter biases that colour perceptions of their actions,...

Mission 2035 : Bridge the Gender Gap

Mission 2035 : Bridge the Gender Gap

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Kavya* (name changed), a passionate 3rd-year B.Tech student, during a career mentoring discussion. As we delved into her interests in technology and sustainability, it was heartening to witness her aspirations to make a positive...

Ushering in 2022 with sense of gratitude

Ushering in 2022 with sense of gratitude

We started the year 2021 on hope, but then, it is hard to imagine any good news coming out of 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people globally. It has been an incredibly hard year for many people, including me. The only way through hard times is …...

Passion and finding purpose is a state of mind

Passion and finding purpose is a state of mind

My high school son was struggling with an essay on “Your passion & purpose”. We had a long discussion and he asked me “Mom, did you know what your purpose was or what you would land up pursuing when you were 15 years old?” I reflected on a similar discussion with...

Choose to Challenge

Choose to Challenge

The world has gone through an unprecedented crisis last year. Despite the progress in women\'s issues in recent decades, the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated existing disparities, causing a reversion to traditional gender roles and with possible long-lasting...

I Inspire – Leadership Lessons for 2021

I Inspire – Leadership Lessons for 2021

2020 was a year that has tested our society like few others in recent memory, it’s safe to say that many of us are looking forward to putting this year behind us. We have navigated through incredibly turbulent times and we are not out of them yet, but there does seem...

Learning from 2020 : The Year of Resilience

Learning from 2020 : The Year of Resilience

While it was a difficult year for most of us, I believe that 2020 is also a year of Resilience! When I look back and reflect on all that I learned over the past year, I value all the lessons it has taught us. Go with the flow: At the end of 2019, I decided to take up...

Apple doesn’t care about competition, Why should I?

Apple doesn’t care about competition, Why should I?

I was 8 years old when I tried to ride a bicycle for the first time. My brother gave me a little push and I was doing pretty well till I saw another kid zoom past me. I tried to give a chase and went straight ahead to hit a pole. I was so embarrassed that I never got...

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